COLORINES, Carduelis sp.
Bronce fundido y hierro, 84x32x23 cm.
Bronce fundido y hierro, 84x32x23 cm.
COLORINES, Carduelis sp.
Cast bronze and iron, 33 5/64 x 12 19/32 x 9 1/16 inches
COLORINES, Carduelis sp.
Cast bronze and iron, 33 5/64 x 12 19/32 x 9 1/16 inches
La obra es la segunda
versión realizada usando esta especie (Carduelis sp.). En ella se emplea la
pieza en bronce obtenida del modelado en cera original. Para las obras
‘Colorines’ he usado el alginato de dentista para la realización de moldes
rápidos para vaciados en cera y obtuve cinco positivos más el modelo original;
todos se han colado en bronce y con ellos se han montado dos obras. Uno de los
modelos se está usando en un proyecto para usar el escaneado e impresión 3D en
la producción de modelos para fundición artística.
En cuanto a lo conceptual, siempre he asociado al jilguero con lo infantil, con lo alegre... JRJ, en este poema, hace que el paseriforme en su alegre belleza se sienta mal por su colorido plumaje ante el llanto amado...
This work is the second version made using this species (Carduelis sp.). I used the bronze piece obtained from the original wax modelling. For the sculptures 'Colorines' I have used alginate to make quick molds for emptying in wax and I got five copies plus the original model; all of them have been casted and two works have been assembled with them. One of the models is being used in a project to use 3D scanning and printing in the production of models for artistic casting.
As for the conceptual, I have always associated the Goldfinch with childish, joyful... JRJ, in this poem, makes that the passerine, in its joyous beauty, feels bad for his colorful plumage before the beloved cry..
En cuanto a lo conceptual, siempre he asociado al jilguero con lo infantil, con lo alegre... JRJ, en este poema, hace que el paseriforme en su alegre belleza se sienta mal por su colorido plumaje ante el llanto amado...
This work is the second version made using this species (Carduelis sp.). I used the bronze piece obtained from the original wax modelling. For the sculptures 'Colorines' I have used alginate to make quick molds for emptying in wax and I got five copies plus the original model; all of them have been casted and two works have been assembled with them. One of the models is being used in a project to use 3D scanning and printing in the production of models for artistic casting.
As for the conceptual, I have always associated the Goldfinch with childish, joyful... JRJ, in this poem, makes that the passerine, in its joyous beauty, feels bad for his colorful plumage before the beloved cry..